Dainty wax melts

How To Use Wax Melts

How to use wax melts

Break off one or two chunks of your wax melt (depending on how strong you like your fragrance) and place in either a tealight or electric wax burner.

 If using a tealight wax burner, place an unscented tealight candle inside and light it to release gorgeous scents that style your home with fragrance. 

If using a tealight burner we recommend to only use up to 4 hour tealights as any longer will cause the burner to become dangerously hot and may damage it. Please read your burner's enclosed safety information and follow the instructions for safe use.

Remember to keep burners away from children and pets and do not move the burner whilst lit.

Our products may look good enough to eat but they are not for consumption, please store wax melts safely away from children. All of our wax melts state the allergens on the back of the packaging.

The number one rule of wax safety is never leave a burning candle unattended! 

How to change your wax 

One chunk of Dainty Wax should last several hours. When you can no longer smell the fragrance it is time to replace the wax. 


Light a tealight so the hardened wax melts starts to soften . Once wax is in a liquid state soak up with cotton wool pads or cotton wool balls (be careful of spillages and make sure you have a bin close to hand).

 Now your burner is ready for a new melt!  

my Favourite part of being a wax melt fan myself , the choosing a new scent!!  xx 

if you need more for your wax melt collection, check out our shop in drop down menu in top corner and start shopping!! 

Come find our Facebook page or instagram, for latest news on Scent releases and everything #Daintywax

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